

Sunday Small Groups are the place for you to get connected and meet a group of people to grow your faith in! We have classes for men, women, old, young, everyone in between- and great teachers for all of them. Don't be afraid to take a few weeks to find the class you feel the best in! We start at 9 am every Sunday.


Along with our kids and youth events on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm, we also have a prayer gathering for the adults. They meet in the sanctuary building in our choir room in the hallway behind the stage. We welcome anyone and everyone to join us as we pray for our church, family, schools, jobs, health, and outreach.

We also have a Women's Bible Study that meets at 5:30 on Wednesday nights.


We have separate ministries for our men and women, too! FBCE holds events specific for everyone throughout the year to make roots in relationships and faith at the same time.


If you have kids of any age, we are ready to welcome them too! We try our best to have events for all age groups at the same time and provide nursery for every event we can.